EKG Waveform

The EKG Waveform
➨P Wave = Beginning of te Cardiac cycle, Atrial DEPOLARIZATION or CONTRACTION of the Atrium

➨PR Interval = Period of time from Onset of Atrial DEPOLARIZATION (Contraction) to Onset of Ventricular DEPOLARIZATION (Contraction). Normally 0.12 to 0.2 seconds 

➨QRS Complex = DEPOLARIZATION Of Ventricles (Contraction); 0.08 to 0.12 seconds.

  • Q Wave: DEPOLARIZATION Of Interventricular Septum (Wall separating both Left and Right Ventricles. (What does a Pathological Q Wave indicate and what does it look like?)

  • R Wave = DEPOLARIZATION of the Main Mass of the Ventricles. 

  • S Wave = Final Depolarization of the Heart, the base

➨At the same time the VENTRICLES are DEPOLARIZING (Contracting) the ATRIUM are REPOLARIZING (Resting State) 

➨ST Segment = The isoelectric line that represents the end of the DEPOLARIZATION of the Ventricles to the Beginning of REPOLARIZATION (Resting) of the Ventricles which is indicative of the T WAVE.

➨QT Interval = Beginning of the QRS to the End of the T Wave. The time it takes the Ventricles to DEPOLARIZE and REPOLARIZE; 0.36 to 0.44; An elongation of the QT interval can cause serious issues and even Death. A couple of the Antipsychotics/Antidepressants cause an elongation of the QT interval. 

Any questions just ask away!


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